Jeff Hafley steps up for his program by making a bold statement
The Boston College coach responded perfectly to absurd comments made by Missouri coach Eli Drinkwitz
By John Sarianides
The Missouri Tigers visit Alumni Stadium to battle the Boston College Eagles on Saturday. Instead of the focus being on an SEC opponent coming to town, the focus has shifted to comments Tigers coach Eli Drinkwitz made on Tuesday regarding the game.
Drinkwitz said that he preferred if the school played a regional non-conference rival than playing Boston College. He acknowledged that Boston College is a good program and praised Eagles Head Coach Jeff Hafley but then followed that up by saying that he can’t remember the last time Missouri recruited a player from the great state of Massachusetts.
Our Kevin Stone asked Hafley his thoughts on Drinkwitz’s in a zoom press conference yesterday. Hafley’s response was perfect.
“I don’t think he meant anything by it. I’ll give you my opinion. Truthfully, you guys asked me how I felt when we had to go play UMass, we had to go play Temple at Temple. Shoot, if Colgate wanted to go play, I’d go play there. Hafley added; And if he didn’t want to come to Boston, I would have gotten on a plane and gone to Missouri to play. I don’t care where we play. The football season to me is about getting our team games and getting better everyday abs having great time doing it with each other.”
The quote exemplifies why Hafley is so beloved and respected at Boston College. He could have come back swinging at Drinkwitz. He didn’t. Instead he made a strong point without being disrespectful or brash. It was a strong statement from a coach who wears it on his sleeve but does it with class.
Saturday already had a big game feel to it and these comments will certainly add to this compelling match up. Drinkwitz may have given a team that didn’t necessarily need extra motivation some more juice.